XoT120 – Splice Extension Spindle Extension XO

If adjusting the ground level makes the spindle extension too short, simply attach the Helnor joint. Galvanized or acid-proof. Special lengths to order.


ArtikkelnavnNRFUtførelseLengdeAntallLegg i liste
XoT120335 16 11Galvanized400
XoT120A4335 16 11Acid resistant400


• 2 designs – acid-proof or galvanized steel
• Special lengths are made to order. Standard = 400 mm.
• Extends all lengths of telescopic spindle extension type XO
• Easily attached to existing, mounted spindle extensions
• Can be terminated both with and without street box

• Remove the rubber stopper on the existing, mounted spindle extension
Before inserting spindle steel into the inner square hole of the existing spindle extension.
• Pull down the locking cover and press it over the existing, mounted spindle extension mounting brackets.
• TIP: Make sure that the existing, mounted spindle extension is not completely compressed or completely extended before mounting the splice set.
• We recommend if the existing, mounted spindle extension is completely extended that you dig lightly around the spindle extension and press it down a little before mounting the joint set. In this way, you have a future adjustment option.